Author Archives: David

Remember your Promises

This morning, President Obama made a promise to Haitians: America will not forget you. I hope and pray that this will be so. However, if what we have done in past relief and development situations is any indicator, Americans will indeed go about their lives very soon as if nothing had ever happened.

Why is this so? There are a number of reasons, but I think that one of the biggest is that Americans tend to be very individualistic and, as a result, turn back to their own lives (their needs, their desires, etc…) and simply forget. The rhetoric, however, is always meant to be sincere, and indeed, it is touching. I just hope that America will continue to invest into Haiti, and to help develop the country in the long run – responsibly, rather than in ways that would take advantage of the people or put them into a place of receivers.

On a different note, there has been a lot of good that has poured out of the hearts of many over the last 48 hours. Here are some of my favorite tweets (some of which contain some good articles) from the last few hours:

RT @FH_ERU : The safety of 2 more FH staff in Haiti has been confirmed – Praise God, and continue to pray for the people of Haiti

#Prayer — PTL that the U.S. is willing to help meet needs in the world. #Haiti — Let’s pray we’ll try to improve even more in the future.

text “Haiti” to 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross. or, donate to and Boston Haitian community will direct funds.

“Haiti helped re-form me. Help rebuild her.” Thoughts on the earthquake and more:

As Jeremy Del Rio says, “For as long as the news cycle has our attention fixed on Haiti — and far beyond, I hope — let’s love Haiti and her people, and serve them as they rebuild their country. But let’s also learn.”


Haiti: A Call to Responsible Action

Yesterday evening, a huge, 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit right outside Port-au-Prince, the capital city of Haiti. There is a small timetable where the most vulnerable – those who are trapped under the rubble, who are injured, and who lack access to clean water, food, and medical supplies. According to the Christian Science Monitor, “the International Red Cross estimates as many as three million people may have been left homeless by Tuesday’s earthquake in Haiti.” (Source)

With an education in Communty Development, I understand the importance of doing relief work quickly and efficiently in situations such as this one. Those who are experienced in this type of work are the ones who need to be supported right now.

Often times people who have very good intentions want to help, and believe that the most effective way to help is by going to be at the location of a natural disaster right after the event happens. When inexperienced people come to the site of a natural disaster, there is great potential to hinder the relief operations and/or to not be as culturally sensitive to the needs of the affected people.

As of a couple hours ago, the airport in Port-au-Prince is still closed, so it is very hard to even get experienced relief workers into the country. I am following Twitter updates from the Food for the Hungry Emergency Relief Unit. Their past couple of tweets indicate this. You can follow them at

If people are looking for the best possible way to give in the immediate future, I would encourage them to give financially, and to pray. Pray that the relief operations will be able to start as soon as possible, and that the necessary people and supplies would be able to enter the country.

The following organizations are ones that I would be comfortable giving my money to for the purposes of relief work in Haiti (more will be added soon to this list).

Below is a list of more organizations (Here’s the source of a lot from this list. I am adding to it):
Emmanuel Gospel Center:
Haiti Reborn:
Church World Services:
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance:
World Vision:
Bright Hope:
UMC Disaster Response:
Christian Aid:
Mercy Corps:
American Red Cross:
United Church of Christ:
Disciple’s Week of Compassion:
Episcopal Relief:
Reformed Church in America:
Habitat For Humanity:
Haiti Emergency Relief Fund:
World Care:
Save the Children:

Despite the quick action that the current crisis calls for, Haiti has a long road ahead of them filled with recovery and development. Once the days have turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Haiti will need more than handouts intended for relief in the immediate aftermath of the quake.

There is a big difference between relief and development. Relief can be defined as helping people who are helpless to meet their most basic needs. Development, on the other hand, should be done when people ARE able to meet their most basic needs.

The challenge that those who want to help Haiti in the long run face is allowing Haitians to take control of THEIR country, and to make decisions for themselves. As development practitioners, we must be thinking about helping the poor to help themselves.

Bryant Myers, in his book “Walking With the Poor,” describes 4 key relationships that must be addressed in community development work:

  1. Relationship with God
  2. Relationship with Self
  3. Relationship with Others
  4. Relationship with the Environment

If the poor do not know God as their personal savior, they are missing out on the most important thing. If they think they they personally do not have any skills or experiences to help themselves, then they are living in denial and must be encouraged and shown that they DO have God-given skills, gifts and abilities. If they have several enemies, some of whom may be more powerful and oppress them, then they will most likely loose the little bit that they do have through bribes and oppression. And finally, if they do not take care of the environment or know how to plant a garden, then they will have a much harder time putting food onto the table.

I firmly believe that Community Development must begin with affirming the poor for who they are, for their abilities, and for their ability to make decisions. Americans (and other rich, primarily-Western developers) must not make decisions for the poor, and must not do things “For” or “To” the poor.

Instead, we are called to something better. We are called to affirm their dignity. We are called to let them make their own decisions, and let them tell us what they need.

William Easterly would agree. In his book, “The White Man’s Burden, Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done so Much Ill and so Little Good,” he writes “Poor people have already accomplished far more for themselves than [people who make plans disregarding the poor’s interest] have accomplished for them.” He also writes, “The needs of the poor don’t get met because the poor have little money or political power with which to make their needs known and they cannot hold anyone accountable to meet those needs.”

Over the next weeks and months, let us continue to help Haiti by allowing them to make their own decisions. Donated money is good. Missions trips are good (when done appropriately). We can still HELP! But we need to do so responsibly.

But first, the cry for relief for over 3 million people ring out. Let us give generously. Let us pray hard. And let us hope for the best.
