Give more Aid to Pakistan: An Open Letter to Senator Scott Brown

I submitted the following email to Senator Scott Brown at

Mr. Brown,
My name is David White and I am a fairly new resident to Massachusetts. I will be voting for the first time in the upcoming elections this fall.

I am writing to you in regards to the flooding in Pakistan and am requesting that you and all of your colleagues file a bill that will enable more aid to be sent to Pakistan, immediately. According to CNN, as of early August 19, only $460 million of aid has been promised to Pakistan, much less than the $13 billion that was given to Haiti.

However, the crisis in Pakistan is much larger. There are currently 20 million people affected by the flooding. 1/5 of the country has been ravished. Thousands of acres of farmland have been washed away. And millions of people are getting sick, do not have access to clean water or food.

The United States and the United Nations must do more, as the current response of only $460 million in 2 weeks is absolutely unacceptable. However, the response should empower the Pakistani government. This is not the time for political games. The Pakistani government must be seen as being in control by its people. If the US and the UN does otherwise, you will be harming the Pakistani government by making it look like they do not have power. The people will loose faith in their government. And as a result, the Taliban power and presence will only increase.

Thank you in advance for what you will do.

David White


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